I am a senior at University of California, Berkeley studying Business Administration and Data Science, with a Certificate in Design Innovation and Certificate in Entrepreneurship and Technology.
I am passionate about creating experiences at the intersection of design, data, and social good. I have previously dabbled on projects in UI/UX design and research, physical product design, blockchain design, dashboard visualization, and web development.
My Object of Interest: An object of interest is the air fryer. Due to quarantine locking us at home, I wanted to experiment with kitchen gadgets that encourage healthier eating and snatched one up during a Boxing Day Sale (its Commonwealth nations thing). I have been fascinated with how food placed in the fryer-style basket is “deep-fryed” without using oil. The hot air from the heating mechanism and fan circulates hot air at a high speed that crisps up the food. Now, I can eat “guilt-free”, homemade sweet potato fries.
Fun Fact: I am terrified of holes, more specifically known as trypophobia, and I am also scared of frisbees due to a childhood trauma with them.